Study Tips for Students to Succeed in Online College Classes present unique challenges for students. They have to be self-motivated and able to ignore distractions like Netflix, social media, and dirty dishes.
It’s also helpful to establish a regular routine for working on schoolwork, so your brain associates it with something normal. These Study Tips for Students to Succeed in Online College Classes will help you stay on track!
1. Set Goals
Setting a schedule and studying goals are critical to staying on track with online courses. Students should establish a dedicated learning space with high-speed internet access and commit to regular study sessions. Creating a to-do list each week of assignments, readings, and upcoming assessments helps keep students focused and on task.

In traditional classroom settings, professors may provide verbal or visual reminders of course start and due dates, but with online classes, it is up to the student to set these priorities and hold themselves accountable. If needed, pair up with a classmate or enlist the help of a friend or spouse to check in as an accountability partner.
Create a weekly schedule for yourself and treat these blocks of time as seriously as you would class in person. This will keep you motivated, avoid late assignments and put studying first.
2. Break Down Large Tasks
Large assignments, projects, and readings can be daunting to start. Breaking them down into smaller, more manageable pieces can make the task less intimidating and more doable. For example, if a course requires a lengthy reading assignment, break it down into small chunks of one or two chapters at a time.
Plan study activities around your “body clock”. Try to work on difficult or unfamiliar material at times when you are most alert. This can help reduce the chances of distractions or fatigue.
Look for “hidden” study opportunities. For instance, if you have an hour or more of unscheduled time to spare, consider taking the textbook with you and studying during your commute or other downtime. This will give you a head start on the reading for tomorrow’s class and prevent procrastination.
3. Take Regular Breaks
In online learning, it can be easy to let yourself get sucked into a long session of studying. But just as in a physical classroom, regular breaks help maintain your focus and make it easier to absorb information.
Establishing a dedicated study space can go a long way toward eliminating distractions. Put the TV off, close out social media apps, and make sure your roommates understand that you cannot be disturbed during study time.
You should also create a schedule for completing your assignments. This helps you stay on track and gives you something to look forward to after each study session. If you’re taking a course that involves a discussion section, participate early and often. This will help you learn from your classmates and build community.
4. Stay Organized
Getting and staying organized can help reduce stress levels for students. A good organizational system can include cleaning out your study space to remove distractions, setting up a dedicated study area and putting all of your supplies in one place so they are easily accessible. It is also a good idea to create a plan for the week ahead (including upcoming due dates) by reviewing your syllabus, checking class websites and online systems, and blocking out time for studying in your planner or digital calendar.
Staying on top of your course work will prevent you from cramming at the last minute and can help ensure that you actually learn the material (as opposed to memorizing it for an exam). It is also important to set realistic goals for yourself and inform family members or roommates of your study schedule so they don’t distract you.
5. Ask for Help
Online classes can be a great way to take your education outside of a traditional classroom setting. However, that flexibility comes with its own set of challenges.
If you don’t understand an assignment or are having trouble with a class make sure to ask for help! Many online professors are available through email, text, or video calls and are happy to help their students. Just remember, it’s important to communicate clearly and use proper netiquette when asking for help. Also, avoid using emojis or emoticons when communicating with your instructor. It’s not professional and will give the impression that you aren’t confident in your request. Instead, write your question in full sentences and be specific when describing the problem. The more information you provide, the easier it will be to find a solution.